Legal notice and privacy policy for social media channels of Ravensburger AG

Status: May 2023

A. Legal Notice

Ravensburger AG
Robert-Bosch-Str. 1
88214 Ravensburg

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 - (0) 751 - 86 0
Fax: +49 - (0) 751 - 86 13 11
(Please do not use this phone/fax number for service requests).

Executive Board authorized to represent the company:
Clemens Maier (Chairman of the Board), Hanspeter Mürle

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Thomas Vollmoeller

Register Court/Register Number:
Local Court Ulm HRB 551302

Sales tax identification number:

B. Privacy Policy 

You can find us on various social networks with our own presence. Through these sites, we share news about the Ravensburger Group and give you the opportunity to get in touch with us.

These social networks are operated by various providers. When you visit our social media channels, your personal data is collected, used and stored not only by us, but also by the providers of the respective social network. This happens even if you do not have a profile in the respective social network. The individual data processing operations and their scope differ depending on the provider of the respective social network. They are not necessarily traceable for us. In principle, we have no influence on these data processing operations. For details about the collection and storage of your personal data as well as about the type, scope and purpose of their use by the operator of the respective social network, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective provider.

However, we also process data from you to a certain extent when you visit our social media channels and interact with us, e.g. when you comment on our posts or write to us by private message. Therefore, we would like to inform you about the protection of your data in connection with our social media appearances.

I. Controller responsible under data protection law

1. for the Ravensburg channel
Ravensburger AG, see legal notice above.
You can contact our data protection officer at [email protected] or by post at the address given in the legal notice with the addition of "attn. Data Protection Officer".

2. for the social network
Provider of the social media network, see legal texts there.

3. joint responsibility
In some cases, we as channel operator and the provider of the social network are also seen as jointly responsible parties. This is especially the case regarding some functionalities of Facebook and Instagram. All information about the agreement made with Meta as provider of Facebook and Instagram can be found here:

II. General information on data processing on our channel

1. Interaction and communication
When you visit our social media channels and interact with us, e.g. comment on posts or write to us via private message, we process your data in order to interact with you. Public posts are generally stored for an unlimited period of time - however, you are free to delete them at any time. Private messages are also stored for an unlimited period of time, so that we can refer to previous correspondence in the event of future contact with you. This does not apply to sensitive data. We delete these as soon as your specific request has been processed. However, you can also request the deletion of all other messages at any time. We also reserve the right to delete mailbox contents for reasons of clarity.

2. Removal of inappropriate content
Should we discover inappropriate content, e.g. offensive, discriminatory, glorifying violence or infringing, we reserve the right - in order to ensure the proper operation of our channel - to remove or hide it and block the creator.

3. Participation in sweepstakes
When participating in sweepstakes, we process data within the scope of the sweepstakes processing, in particular to determine and contact the winner(s). Otherwise, we delete the participants' data unless there are legal obligations to retain it.

4. Special actions
Please note that there may also be different data protection notices for individual actions in connection with our social media channels, with which we inform you about special data processing.

5. Anonymous user statistics
The providers of social networks sometimes provide us as channel operators with functionalities known as "page insights" or "analytics". These functionalities enable us to design our social media channels in line with requirements and to optimize them on an ongoing basis. They contain statistical data on the use of our channels. For example, we receive information on how often our page is clicked, the reach of our posts and which user groups are interested in our content. This data is anonymized, i.e. we cannot assign it to a specific user.

6. Categories of recipients
Recipients of your personal data may be employees, service providers, IT service providers, SaaS providers. If data is transferred to service providers or other third parties outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, we will inform you.

III. Your rights

You have the following rights with respect to the personal data concerning you:
Right to information,
Right to rectification or deletion,
Right to restriction of processing,
Right to object to processing,
Right to data portability.

You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about our processing of your personal data.

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